Terms & Conditions 2024

Dear Parent,  thank you for considering Little People as a future pre-school for your child. 

Please ensure you fill out the Enrolment Form 
On acceptance please also provide: 
- A signed copy of this Policy and Procedure: Terms and Conditions
- A signed copy of Consent and Indemnity Form
Principal : Shelley Bergman


1.1 A non-refundable application fee of R7500 is payable on submission of the completed application form (“the Application Fee”).

1.2 In addition, an amount of R9000 will also be payable on acceptance of your application, as a deposit to secure your child’s enrolment (“the Deposit”).

1.3 Little People shall be entitled by written notice (which includes email communication) to apply the whole or any portion of the Deposit towards the payment of any outstanding School Fees and or as provided for in clause 3.1 and 3.2 below.


2.1 School Fees in the amount of R19 600 (“the School Fees”) per school term, the dates of which will be specified in the parent information letter distributed by Little People (“the School Term”), are payable on the first day of the School Term. If your child joins after the School Term starts, the full School Fees for the School Term are payable.

2.2 Payment is to be made by way of cheque or electronic funds transfer, which transfer shall be into the following account:

Bank : Nedbank | Branch : Sea Point | Branch Code : 198765 | Account : THE SHELLEY BERGMAN MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL CC | Account No. : 1246986604

Reference : Your child’s name | Send Proof of Payment : Email to lilpeople@iafrica.com

2.3 School Fees paid in cash should be by handed directly to Shelley Bergman by a parent and should not be sent with a child.

2.4 Should School Fees not have been paid in full by the first day of the School Term, your child may be suspended from attending Little People (in terms of clause 5) unless payment is made within 7 days of written request (which includes email communication). In addition, any late payments of School Fees will accrue interest at 10% (ten percent) per term.

2.5 In the event that School Fees are not paid within 7 days of the written request in terms of clause 2.4, the account will be handed over to debt collectors for collection.

2.6 School Fees are subject to an annual increase, of which you will be advised in writing (which includes email communication) by Little People.


3.1 You are required to give at least one School Term’s notice in writing to Little People in the event that your child will no longer attend Little People (“the Notice Period”).

3.2 Should you fail to give the requisite notice in clause 3.1 above to Little People, you will be required to make payment of the full School Fees due for the Notice Period.

3.3 Neither refunds nor a reduction of School Fees will be made for cancellation of application or absence from Little People due to any reason whatsoever.

3.4 In the event that your child ceases to attend Little People permanently:

3.4.1 any School Fees payable for the last term which your child attends Little People will be reduced in an amount equal to the Deposit, provided the Notice Period in clause 3.1 is complied with and there are no outstanding School Fees; and

3.4.2 there will be no refund of School Fees or any portion thereof. If the Deposit is refunded in terms of clause 3.4.1 above, it will be repaid without interest.

3.5 Should the School Fees not have been paid in full at the date on which your child permanently ceases to attend Little People for whatsoever reason, then 3 the balance outstanding shall become immediately due and payable as at the date of your child’s departure from Little People.


4.1 I hereby consent in my capacity as parent/legal guardian of my child, to Little People administering 10 ml of Panado or the equivalent thereof, to my child in the event of his or her temperature being 38°C and above.

4.2 I understand that in the event that I require any other type of paracetamol, in place of Panado, to be administered in the circumstances described in 4.1 above, I will need to send this medication to Little People together with written instructions in relation to the administration thereof, with my child’s name clearly marked thereon, to be kept at the school.

4.3 I understand that should my child’s temperature reach 38°C I will be contacted to collect my child.

4.4 In the event of any accident or injury to my child and should Little People not be able to contact me or any person nominated in the attached enrolment application form, I hereby consent for Little People to act in loco parentis and to contact my child’s doctor or dentist (as specified in the enrolment application form). In addition, I hereby indemnify Little People against any liability for the doctor or dentist’s charges so incurred.

4.5 I hereby give my consent for my child to participate in all extra-mural activities arranged by and on the premises of Little People.


5.1 Little People reserves the right of admission and the right to give you two week’s written notice to remove your child from Little People should it be found, in the sole discretion of the principal of Little People that:

5.1.1 the School Fees are continuously paid late;

5.1.2 the child is collected more than 30 minutes after closing time on more than three occasions in any School Term;

5.1.3 the child is disruptive, or

5.1.4 for whatever reason, unsuited to life at the school.

5.2 In event that a child is asked to leave in terms of this clause 5, no refund of School Fees will be made


In event that legal costs are incurred for the recovery of fees in terms of clause 2.5 and 3.2 above, you will liable for all such costs (including legal costs on the scale between attorney and own client) incurred for the recovery of such fees.